
Thursday, March 24, 2011


We first met when we were in the 6th grade and you broke my collarbone. After that we became best friends. Growing up you were by my side always. When my mom died you were there for me no questions asked. You helped me carry her casket to her final resting place. Not only where you my best friend but also my brother.

Years later I carried you to your final resting place. Just as we did with my mom we buried you on a cold snowy winter day. You made such a huge impact on my life that to this day its still unmeasurable. They say that in your life you will have many friends come and go but few who are true friends. Those who would do anything for you..

You served your country bravely never asking why or what was in it for you. You put your life on the line for our freedom and in the end the cost you paid was your life.

My son now carries your name and when he is older I will tell him about his namesake. He will hear about what a great brother you were to his father and what an incredible person you were. I hope my son grows up to be half the man you were.

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